product specs

All artworks are printed using the latest ProGraph Pro Series Canon printers using hardware, software and ink technology that has been optimised to reproduce original art to an extremely high standard.

Fine art prints are printed on beautifully textured 100% cotton rag paper at 310gsm.

Canvas prints are printed on 380gsm poly-cotton canvas with a smooth, matte finish and UV fade resistance. The canvas is stretched onto durable pine stretcher bars that have been sustainably forested.

Professional framing is available for fine art prints and stretched canvases in oak, white and black. Frames are made from plantation grown, sustainable timber mouldings, and all materials used in the framing process are acid free. Shinkolyte cast acrylic is used, which has 10x the strength of glass with crystal clear transparency, is chemical resistant and has a light transmittance rate of 93%. 

Canvases are framed in a floating canvas frame with a 5mm gap between the canvas and the frame.

These fine art reproduction prints are created from original Studio Solae artworks made by Rae Trigg. The original artworks feature combinations of plaster, pigment powders, acrylic paint and oil pastels on canvas, paper and/or wood panel.


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